
Yuma Irrigation District (YID) has a total of 10,600 acres of irrigable land.

In 2009, produce (lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and melons) was the main crop grown with approximately 9,300 acres being harvested. The balance consisted of approximately 4,100 acres of grain crops, 950 acres of alfalfa, 500 acres of cotton, 1,400 acres of Sudan grass, 700 acres of beans, 1,200 acres of Sudan seed and 500 acres of various seed crops. Within those total acres, over 8,800 acres were double cropped using a total of 60,555 acre-feet of water for an average of approximately 5.7 acre-feet of water per acre.

Because of the increased use of improvements and of technological advances, such as concrete lined irrigation ditches, large farm turnouts, level basin irrigation, continued laser leveling, the use of water metering devices at all farm turnouts, the increased use of sprinklers over subbing and computer controlled drip irrigation systems, YID and its farmers have been able to achieve high levels of production and increased efficiencies in the use of its water.

Yuma Irrigation District is governed by a three member Board of Directors with directors serving three year terms and one director elected each year. Its current staff consists of a Manager, water master, three ditch riders, and two shop personnel.

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